Eliminate the hassle of gathering signatures with our eSignature Requests

Request electronic signatures with ease using our eSignature Requests. Review, customize, and send out documents for signatures via text message and email. All signed documents are automatically mapped to Documents and securely stored in CampLegal.

Automatically send an invoice after a client signs

You will be able to create and attach a Flat or Plan invoice to any eSignature request. Once your client signs the requested documents, your clients will be able to pay their invoice after signing the documents directly from their smart phone.

Keep track of all your eSignature requests

Monitor the status of all your eSignature requests your firm sends out with our eSignature tracking feature.

Get notified every step of the way

Notifications will be sent when signatures are given and also when payment is received.

Clients can sign right on their phone

eSignature Requests will text and email the client so they can sign on any device, even on their phone!

We're not the only ones excited happy about CampLegal...

Our customers are thankful for a solution that just works and works with speed.

Our Features